With out Gurudev's blessings, with out receiving power from Gurudev , no one can get perfection in their life only by chanting.
Thursday, 31 January 2019
Tuesday, 29 January 2019
Mantra for cleansing
The mantra Apvitrapavitrova is known as mantra snanam ... mantra for bathing. If there is no possibility to take bath or shower then you can use this mantra to do snanam.... symbolic bathing. You have to sprinkle some water drops on your head and chant this mantra.
Monday, 28 January 2019
Spiritual roots
We can find our identity in Srimad Bhagwatam. We can get all the knowledge we need of how can we perform all our duties (dharma) in our life here , all in Srimad Bhagwat.
Friday, 25 January 2019
Duty of sadhaka
The first duty of the sadhka is to fix their minds on one point. They must be focused on one point. Then only they can advance.
Thursday, 24 January 2019
Mood of acharyas
We have to follow the footsteps of previous acharyas. But we must receive this very carefully.
We must use the direction, but we should not miss our own acharya's ( Gurudev's) mood.
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
Ability to achieve Krishna
We cannot leave these material attachments. We do not have the ability to become detached from these illusions by our own effort. But if we follow the path of bhakti, by these material senses also we can achieve Krishna.
Tuesday, 22 January 2019
All these planetary systems, what we are seeing, what we are realizing, what we are thinking, everything is prapancha ( the total material creation made of 5 material elements)!!
Monday, 21 January 2019
Giving up material attachments
Always reject the association of the impious.
Give up the attraction to non devotional songs.
Leave Karmis and Gyanis far away.
Only associate with devotees.
Friday, 18 January 2019
Steps on path of bhakti
First ,the sadhka has to leave all other endeavours like gyan, yoga, and karma and they have to accept the path of bhakti.
Then they have to take shelter of a pure devotee.
Bhakti without pressure
Bhakti should not be performed under pressure, because Krishna likes the devotees doing things for him with pleasure.
Thursday, 17 January 2019
Question: what if some one can't read?
Prabhupada: they can hear. Then he has to practice his bhajan, his meditation seriously, then it will manifest. Then you can make your mind Vrindavan or Navadvip.
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
We are not qualified we have so many contamination by our intelligence, by our mood, by our nature, by our habit, by our body, everything is contaminated but by when Nitaichand will bless us when our mind will be attracted by the qualities of Sri Nityananda, then eternal happiness will appear by His causeless mercy. Then we will be protected. That means we areunder umbrella of Nitaichand.
Monday, 14 January 2019
Three Taaps
If we hold the lotus feet of Nityananda then all the fire in our life will be extinguished.
Alwayswe are burning, always we are suffering by three taap- adi devik, adi bhautik, adi adhyatmik.
Sunday, 13 January 2019
Everything related to Krishna
We have to engage our mind with everything connected to Krishna, Svayam Bhagwan.
Then all the senses will follow our mind and tongue. You must do this very carefully and diligently.
You should not be lazy.
Friday, 11 January 2019
Yoga and Parmatma
By yoga you get to see Paramatma. He will call you but he never reply you. It is a neutral state. Paramatma is only witnessing our activities.
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Using our senses
You have to worship the Lord of senses by your senses and it does not mean material senses. We have to prepare ourselves, by controlling our tendencies.
We have to make our six internal enemies, the six strong urges to be our friends.
Monday, 7 January 2019
Material world
We have to be here in this material world, like a water drop on the lotus leaf. We will have to accept everything, but we do not have to be attached with this all.
Thursday, 3 January 2019
Intent in bhakti
He wants to see how much love you have for his activities.
How strong is your intention how great dedication you may have for all his activities.
Krishna is only searching for this.
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Tuesday, 1 January 2019
Krishna is not from this material world , that's why we have to be purified. Very, very carefully we have to purify ourselves. That's why we need to follow sadachar which includes our daily duties such as cleaning ourselves after going to toilet.
How we should be clean when cooking.
Premgopal Goswami’s Nityananda Vamśa & Parivar Lines Śrī Krishna Caitanya is both Śrī Rādhā & Śrī Krishna in Krishna lila. (Śrī Rādh...
1. Whenever you touch your lips or inside your mouth, you should immediately wash your hands. 2. After taking food you have to carefully wa...
Svayam Bhagwan gave this mantra to Brahma and he said you just chant this mantra, this mantra has my power, my potency and after when you ge...