Sunday, 31 May 2020
Today is the appearance day of Sri Ganga Mata Goswamini
Jaya Radhe Govinda! Suprobhat from Nabadwip. Today is the appearance day of Sri Ganga Mata Goswamini, daughter of Sri Sri Nityananda Mahaprabhu. I offer my obeisance with great respect and love to HER lotus feet from my heart.
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Acharya and scriptures part 2
He must have Parampara tradition not any other traditions, tradition of initiation which is proper tradition.if you go up,my guru his guru then his guru when we will go up,it must go to svayam bhagavan.unbroken. When it will go up to Swayam Bhagwan then you must know that is tradition Parampara. So Guru must be from such Parampara. We need to accept a guru from such tradition. Why why we are going to Shri Gurudev what Gurudev will give us?some mantra,he will chant some mantra in ear .but we can find all the mantra in the scripture books. So if I chant Mantra from the book without accepting Gurudev? Will this Mantra work?never. Because when do they will give us the mantra at the same time the power of Mantra Shakti of Mantra will spread in our heart through Shri Gurudev. And this power of Mantra is it created by Shri Gurudev produced by Shri Gurudev did he manifested this power is it his power that is not his power. When Swayam Bhagwan first he started this Guru tattva. When he gave initiation to a brahma then he spread this power to brahma. And when he started this Gurudev and disciple relationship. When poem Bhagwan gave this mantra to Brahma and he said you just chant this Mantra this Mantra has my power my potency and after when you get the Siddhi then you just start the creation, just exposed all creation. So this power comes from swayam Brahma,first time then from Brahma to devrishi narad then from devrishi Narad to Uday Maharishi ved vyas from Maharishi Ved Vyas to 4 sampraday like brahma sam. Nimbark sam sanak sri 4 sam got this.and then our sam came gaudiya sam madhwacharya sam and then gaudiya sam. So this power which Bhagwan gave Brahma Brahma gave gave to Narad Narad to ved vyas.through maharishi this power is coming down then this Mantra is working. Is the power of Mantra is not Masi Mantra with the mantra then how will this Mantra work? How will you get this siddhi by mantra sandhan? No one can get. So that is why we need the unbroken initiation tradition. You know if the tradition is broken then what will happen? In front of you there is a very nice example all of you you are using mobile phone so if you are out of the range of the tower then your mobile will not work. Mobile be in your hand you can take pictures and record videos but you cannot make a call because there is no network you are out of coverage area. So if you are not connected with Such tradition then you are out of coverage area. That's why we need a unbroken tradition. Yes if you say about Shiksha Guru,shiksha guru in your life so many Shiksha Guru will come from whom I will get something for my bhajan , when it will be helpful for my bhajan he is my Shiksha Guru. Sometimes disciple will be also Shiksha Guru. One time maha Prabhu was talking with devotee about Krishna Katha at that time one devotee ask about mahamantra o prabhu when one should chant Maha Mantra and how then mahaprabhu said yes Maha Mantra you must know Maha Mantra is not from this world you have to Chant Mahamantra with great respect, with very pure mind and when we are very pure only that time O Prabhu so what you ask so one devotee ask for Prabhu when we have to go to attend the nature call so that time can we chant the Maha Mantra Mahaprabhu said no no no no no how you can chant Maha Mantra when you are going to toilet so there was one very small boy show in front of everyone he asked Mahaprabhu Om Prabhu if I die at that time maybe I stopped chanting Maha Mantra and I went to toilet and I die at the time without chanting Maha Mantra. Mahaprabhu ran to that boy and embrace that boy. Yes you are right we should not leave Mahamantra anytime anywhere any circumstance, in any position. And he said in front of everyone today you open my eyes so you I accept you my as my Guru, Shiksha Guru he was a very small guy but then also Mahaprabhu accepted him as his Shiksha Guru. Send Srimad Bhagavatam you are find in the story of Avadhuta he accepted 23-25 Shiksha guru and his life.among these gurus were there were snake frog vulture everyone. So they were also Shiksha Guru of avaduta because my dear activities of dada he got two helpful for his bhajan sadhana so he accepted then as his Shiksha guru sometimes Shiksha Guru is more important than diksha Guru. Maybe I just got initiation from sri gurudev and just after my initiation my Gurudev entered the Nitya Dham. What happened with pran Krishna baba. He just got his initiation and then maybe only one time he met after initiation then his gurudev died,my grandfather died. So now what he will do his guru is no more. From whom he will get the helpful knowledge. So he accepted my father hs his Shiksha Guru. And he got manjari swarop from my father but his Shiksha Guru not diksha guru. So so that time when his guru entered nitya lila,so for him Shiksha Guru is more important than diksha guru. Yes sometime Shiksha Guru will be more important than diksha guru but he must not be the tradition, he should not accept him as tradtion , tradition must counted from initiation by whom you got the initiation. So we must have we should accept Guru from tradition very pure tradition. He must be accepted by other sampraday Acharya. If someone has such qualities like a learning person scholar person and he says now i am the,he will not be a guru he must be accepted by other acharya's only then he becomes a guru otherwise not. Show Guru have must have such qualities ,guru must follow rules and regulation, if Guru will only just advise and he is not following the rules then he is not a pure devotee.
Monday, 25 May 2020
Acharya and Scriptures
He must have knowledge of scriptures. Which scripture? Veda, Bhagwata,smriti where all the rules and regulation of conclusion is written. He must have such knowledge. Why Gurudev need such kind of knowledge? Because if some disciple get confusion to whom they will they will ask to their Gurudev. If sri gurudev do not have such knowledge about the Siddhanta then his disciple will not advance in their bhajan. And what will happen. maybe if I get some confusion if I get a question in my heart about bhajan and I ask my Gurudev Om Gurudev I have such confusion please solve my i ask him. Is Gurudev do not have such knowledge then Gurudev will say oh this I don't know. I just follow my Gurudev I am following my gurudev also answered in this way only like i answered you,i follow my Gurudev. But I do not know the cause. I thought my Gurudev also do not have clear knowledge I did not say anything only just think my mind. What will happen my bhajan will stop because of this guru offence, disrespect of sgurudev. But why it stopped it was not my fault I got a confusion about my bhajan and I asked my gurudev and Gurudev he could not answer,he could not solve my confusion,so i thought oh gurudev also don't know this.but it was not my fault but because of my gurudevs fault my bhajan stopped. I have fall down from my bhajan path . That is why for disciples Gurudev must have very pure full knowledge of scriptures with conclusion siddhanta. Then he can solve the problem of disciple. So he must have the scriptural knowledge.
Sunday, 24 May 2020
Who is Acharya?
Who is following rules and regulations and at the same time he is preaching. Shyam Bhagwan also realised his mistake before Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu until dwapar yug, he just finished his duty to give advise.he did not show what to do and how to do. That's why he appeared in this yug.yes although he is s Bhagwan but he appeared as a devotee he hide himself ,he is bhagwan he hide and came in the svarop of devotee. He is Krishna his original body efflugence is shining black but he covered himself with golden color. So Swayam Bhagwan realised if i not show them by my activities general people will not follow so that's why sloka
First I do in front of everyone then the people will follow. So he start to do his own bhajan. krishna himself is chanting the name of Krishna. When Krishna appeared here as sri gaur sundar as a devotee ,krishna himself he started to chant his own name krishna to teach us how to chant how to create our mood how to lament. In which way we have to developed our bhakti. so first he perform everything in front of us.
Saturday, 23 May 2020
Friday, 22 May 2020
Jai Prabhupada Jai Nitai! Jai Prabhupada Srila Madangopal Goswami.
Jai Nitai! Jai Prabhupada Srila Madangopal Goswami. Today is the Tirobhav Jayanti of The 13th descendant of Jagadguru Sri Sri Nityananda Mahaprabhu His divine Grace Pathak Samraat Prabhupada Srila Madangopal Goswami, Bhagavat Rasa tatwacharya Mahodaya. I offer all my respect, love and pranam from the core of my heart to His lotus feet.
charana kamala me bhakti bhet kar, sarana le premgopal.
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
Strong Dedication
He must have very strong dedication for Bhakti path and Krishna Seva. He must have strong realisation for Krishna bhajan. Why he must have strong realisation for Krishna bhajan? If Sri Guru has no realisation no feeling about about Bhakti path then how he will spread to his disciples. When Guru has such pure devotion and realisation of very beautiful Krishna Bhajan Krishna Seva then it will spread in the heart of disciples.
Monday, 18 May 2020
Vipra and Krishna Sewa
He must have very strong dedication for Bhakti path and Krishna Seva. He must have strong realisation for Krishna bhajan. Why he must have strong realisation for Krishna bhajan? If Sri Guru has no realisation no feeling about about Bhakti path then how he will spread to his disciples. When Guru has such pure devotion and realisation of very beautiful Krishna Bhajan Krishna Seva then it will spread in the heart of disciples.
Happy Dwadshi
Radhe Radhe! Happy Dwadashi morning from Nabadwip. Hv a blissful and blessed day. Today is the appearance day of Srila Brindavan Das Thakur, the author of Sri Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat.
Sunday, 17 May 2020
Beauty and age of a Vipra
He must be very good looking. Is it about external beauty no there in narad pancaratra it is said it is not about external beauty,inner beauty. When he is a very pure devotee,then his eternal svarop is very beautiful. Maybe he is of old age but his all activities are like Teenage boys and girls.if you see pran krishna baba he is 93 years old but he is acting like a small teenage boy. So it is said about the inner beauty. He must be very pure devotee by inner side. Only by taking his darshan,all your inner confusion will go out of your heart.
Happy APARA Ekadashi
Jai Sri Radhe! Good morning from Nabadwip. Happy APARA Ekadashi. Hv a beautiful, pleasant and blessed day. Break the fasting tomorrow morning between 4:56 am to 9:22 am.
The first qualification he must be vipra meaning brahman. Brahman mean who just born in brahman family?is he qualified to be a guru?no. He has to follow the path of bhakti.first he has to follow all the rules .... As brahman according to scriptures.first he has to be born in the brahmin family then he has to follow all the rules and regulations as a Brahman, then he has to follow the path of bhakti, he must have such realisation of Krishna bhajan, he must be a very deep and very strong dedicated devotee of Krishna. Then we must accept him as a guru. The first quality he must be a brahman. If I do not find such kind of Brahman, is such kind of qualified brahman is there then he is the best choice. Is there is no such kind of Brahman then one must go to shatriya with the same qualities, if there is no shatriya of such qualities.then a vaishaya and then shudras. But the First Choice must be a brahman guru who is following all the rules and regulation as a brahman who is following the path of bhakti who is a strong dedicated devotee of Krishna. He must be the first choice.
Saturday, 16 May 2020
Radhe Radhe! Happy Sunday morning. Hv a pleasant and blessed day. Tomorrow is Ekadashi (APARA) Brata.
Radhe Radhe! Happy Sunday morning. Hv a pleasant and blessed day. Tomorrow is Ekadashi (APARA) Brata.
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Radhe Radhe! Good morning from Sridham Nabadwip. Happy family day to all my super big family members, " basudhaiva kutumvakam ". Hv a blissful and blessed day.
Radhe Radhe! Good morning from Sridham Nabadwip. Happy family day to all my super big family members, " basudhaiva kutumvakam ". Hv a blissful and blessed day.
You may develop with time sakhya bhav, you may develop dasya bhav, you may develop manjari bhav.... But there is another fact that our relationship with Krishna is of nitya Krishna das.... We have forgot that relationship that is why we have become servants of maya, we are under influence of maya.
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Chaitanya Charitamrit
All devotees should take shelter of Chaitanya charitamrit because in kalayuga there are no good qualities left and only Chaitanya mahaprabhu and Chaitanya charitamrit can save us as it gives us true prema, proper knowledge of life what do and what not to do.
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
Krishna of Vrindavan never leaves the land of Vrindavan not even a step out.
Krishna of Mathura and Dwarka stay there.
But Krishna never leaves Vrindavan and he agrees to this fact.
Monday, 11 May 2020
Mood and Sewa
Do not think that manjaris have one mood, manjaris are engaged in all moods. But yes they have one specific sewa.
Sunday, 10 May 2020
Saturday, 9 May 2020
Left hand
Eating food with left hand is not part of sadachar. We must only use right hand while honoring prasadam (eating food).
But when you accept Prasad from Shri Gurudev Or a pure devotee you should spread both your hands.
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Jai Sri Nrisimhadev!
Jai Sri Nrisimhadev! Happy rainy morning from Nabadwip. Wish all of you Happy Sri Nrisimha Chaturdashi. May Sri Narasimha keep showering HIS causeless blessings and protect us all.
Monday, 4 May 2020
Sunday, 3 May 2020
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Premgopal Goswami’s Nityananda Vamśa & Parivar Lines Śrī Krishna Caitanya is both Śrī Rādhā & Śrī Krishna in Krishna lila. (Śrī Rādh...
1. Whenever you touch your lips or inside your mouth, you should immediately wash your hands. 2. After taking food you have to carefully wa...
Svayam Bhagwan gave this mantra to Brahma and he said you just chant this mantra, this mantra has my power, my potency and after when you ge...