Monday, 31 August 2020
Jai Sri Sri Haridas Thakur
Jai Sri Radhe! Good morning from Nabadwip. Today is the disappearance tithi of Namacharya Sri Sri Haridas Thakur. Hv a blissful and blessed day.
Sunday, 30 August 2020
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Premgopal Goswami’s Nityananda Vamśa & Parivar Lines
Premgopal Goswami’s Nityananda Vamśa & Parivar Lines
Śrī Krishna Caitanya is both Śrī Rādhā & Śrī Krishna in Krishna lila. (Śrī Rādhā is the complexion of nava gauracana, She wears a nilambara (blue) outfit, and She is 14 years, 2 months & 15 days. Her character is vamya madhya and Her bhava is ujjvala prem. Śrī Krishna is the complexion of indivara (Indigo), He wears a pitambara (yellow) dress and is 15 years, 9 months & 7 days. His character is dhira lalita (the care free, expert lover who is controlled by the love of His consort) and His bhava is ujjvala prem).
Nityananda Prabhu and Jahnava Ma are both Ananga Mañjarī in Krishna lila (12 yrs, 6 months, 15 days). They are the origin of our dīkṣā line (aka Nityananda Parivar). Jahnava Ma is the head of the whole Gaudiya Vaiṣnava sampradaya. Ananga Mañjarī is the head of our guru mañjarī line. Nityananda and Vasudha are the origin of the Nityananda blood line (aka Nityananda Vamśa). The bloodline descends through the father, the dīkṣā line through the wife of the Guru (‘Guru Ma’). Our line is a matriarchal one and dīkṣā is usually given by the wife of the Guru (unless the wife dies early when the child is too young to receive dīkṣā, in which case the father may give dīkṣā).
Bīracandra Prabhu is the son of Nityananda and Vasudha and the adopted son of Jahnava Ma. He is a second manifestation of Mahaprabhu as well as a manifestation of Kṣīrodakśāyī Viṣnu. He appeared during Kartik on the day of Radha Kunda aṣṭamī (aka Bahulāṣṭamī). He is the disciple and adopted son of Jahnava Thakurani, who was the Gaudiya Vaiṣnava Ācārya after the disappearance of Nitai-Gauranga. (Biracandra has one sister, Ganga Mata Goswamini, the daughter of Nitai and Vasudha. Her husband name was Madhava Ācārya (aka Madhavananda) and from them started the Ganga Mata line).
1st Śrī Jahnava Thakurani (dīkṣā line) & Śrī Vasudha Mata (blood line) [the numbers refer to the blood line generations, not to the dīkṣā line].
2nd Śrī Narayani Mata Goswamini is the wife of Biracandra Prabhu and dīkṣā disciple of Jahnava Ma. Biracandra had two wives, Narayani and Śrīmatī. Biracandra and Śrīmatī had three sons, Gopijanavallhava, Ramacandra, and Ramakrishna, and one daughter Bhuvana Mohini .
3rd Śrī Govinda Priya Goswamini was the wife of Ramacandra Goswami, the second son of Biracandra & Śrīmatī.
4. Śrī Kadamba-mala Mata Goswamini was the wife of Radha Madhav, son of Ramacandra Goswami and Govinda Priya Mata.
5. Śrī Navakumari Mata was the wife of Rajendra Goswami the son of Radha Madhav & Kadamba-mala.
6. Śrī Kalindi Mata Goswamini was the wife of Harigovinda Goswami the son of Rajendra & Navakumari.
7. Śrī Annapurna Mata was the wife of Sarveśvar Goswami the son of Harigovinda & Kalindi.
8. Śrī Taramani Mata was the wife of Laxmikanta Goswami the son of Sarveṣvar & Anapurna.
9. Śrī Krishna Kishor Goswami was the son of Laxmikanta Prabhu and Taramani Mata.
9. Śrī Kishori Mata was the wife of Krishna Kishor Goswami son of Lakxmikanta & Tamarani
10. Śrī Śarada Sundari Mata was the wife of Alakmohan Goswami son of Krishna Kishor & Kishori Mata.
11. Śrī Prangopal Goswami was the son of Śarada Sundari & Alakmohan. His wife was Sarojini Mata Goswamini (who left the world early when Yadugopal was too young for dīkṣā).
12. Śrī Yadugopal Goswami was the son of Prangopal & Sarojini, and Husband of Gita Mata Goswamini. He is the dīkṣā guru of Prankrishna Baba (He left the world soon after giving young Prankrishna Baba dīkṣā and Madangopal Goswami became PK Baba’s śikṣā Guru).
12. Śrī Gita Mata Goswamini was the wife of Yadugopal Goswami. She is the grandmother and dīkṣā guru of Premgopal Goswami.
13. Śrī Madangopal Goswami was the son of Yadugopal Goswami and Gita Mata. He is the father, śikṣā and siddha pranali Guru of Premgopal Goswami, and the śikṣā and siddha pranali Guru of Prankrishna Baba. (Informally addressed as boro baba)
14. Prabhupad Śrīla Nityagopal Goswami, elder son of Madangopal Goswami and brother of Premgopal Goswami, married to Soma Devi. He is the father of Govindagopal Goswami. (Nityagopal Goswami is referred to informally as boro prabhu or boro bhai)
14. Prabhupada Śrīla Premgopal Goswami, our dīkṣā Guru. He is married to Upasana Devi (Respectfully addressed as Guru Ma) and is the father of Alankrita Devi. His father Madangopal Goswami was his śikṣā Guru. His śāstra Guru is Niṣit Kumar Goswami, considered one of the greatest living Vaiṣnava scholars today. (Premgopal Goswami is referred to informally as chota prabhu or chota bhai)
15. Śrī Govindagopal Goswami, the 15th generation descendent of Nityananda Prabhu, son of Nityagopal & Soma Devi (dīkṣā initiation by his mother, śikṣā by Premgopal Goswami).
(The mañjarī identities of our guru-praṇālī line are revealed at the time of receiving siddha-praṇālī - mañjarī svarūpa identity, aka ekadaṣa bhāva).
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Jai Sri Radhe! Happy Sri Sri Radhastami
Jai Sri Radhe! Good morning from Sridham Nabadwip. Happy Sri Sri Radhastami.Hv a blissful and blessed day.
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Śrī Lalitāṣṭakam - Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī
Śrī Lalitāṣṭakam - Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī
uttuṅga-sauhṛda-viśeṣa-vaśāt pragalbhāṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi (1)
I offer praṇāma unto the haughty Śrī Lalitā-devī who is charmingly endowed with many beautiful, sweet qualities (sulalitā). She has natural expertise in all arts (lalitā), thus her sevā self-manifests. She wipes away the glittering drops of perspiration which appear upon the lotus feet of Śrī Rādhā and Mādhava when They meet; and she is perpetually immersed in the most elevated mellow of sauhṛda-rasa, or undivided absorption in fulfilling the heart’s desire of her intimate friend Śrīmatī Rādhikā.
vaktra-śriyaṁ cakita-cāru-camūru-netrām
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi (2)
I offer praṇāma unto Śrī Lalitā-devī whose beautiful face mocks the brilliance of the full moon, whose eyes are ever-restless like those of a startled doe, who is famous for her extraordinary expertise in the art of dressing Śrīmatī Rādhikā, and who is the treasure-house of unlimited feminine qualities.
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi (3)
I offer praṇāma unto Śrī Lalitā-devī whose body is adorned with a splendid sārī as brilliant as the multi-coloured tail-feathers of an ecstatically dancing peacock, whose breast is covered with an exceedingly attractive blouse (kañculi), whose hair part is decorated with shimmering red vermilion, and who wears various necklaces and other jeweled ornaments. Her golden complexion defeats that of even gorocanā [bright golden pigment that comes when rain-water from svati-nakśatra hits the head of a qualified cow] and she possesses innumerable good qualities.
dhūrte vrajendra-tanaye tanu suṣṭhu-vāmyaṁ
mā dakṣiṇā bhāva kalaṅkini lāghavāya
rādhe giraṁ śṛṇu hitām iti śikṣayantīṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi (4)
I offer praṇāma unto Śrī Lalitā-devī, the charming treasure-house of all good qualities, who instructs Śrīmatī Rādhikā in this way: “O Kalaṅkini (unchaste one)! Rādhe! Listen to my good instructions which are favorable for you! Vrajendra-nandana is very crafty (dhūrta). Don’t display Your mood of gentle submission (dakṣiṇā bhāva) to Him; instead, in all circumstances be contrary.”
rādhām abhi-vraja-pateḥ kṛtam ātmajena
kūṭaṁ manāg api vilokya vilohitākṣīm
vāg-bhaṅgibhis tam acireṇa vilajjayantīṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi (5)
I offer praṇāma unto the abode of all good qualities, the supremely charming Śrī Lalitā-devī, who, upon hearing Śrī Kṛṣṇa speak even a few sly words to Śrīmatī Rādhikā, immediately becomes furious and shames Kṛṣṇa with her biting, sarcastic remarks, “You are so truthful and simple-hearted, and such a chaste lover!”
vātsalya-vṛnda-vasatiṁ paśupāla-rājṣyāḥ
sakhyānuśikṣaṇa-kalāsu guruṁ sakhīnām
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi (6)
I offer praṇāma unto the supremely charming Śrī Lalitā-devī, who possesses all divine qualities; who is also the recipient of Yaśodā-devī’s parental affection; the guru of all the sakhīs, instructing them in the art of friendship; and the very life of both Śrīmatī Rādhikā and the younger brother of Baladeva.
yāṁ kām api vraja-kule vṛṣabhānu-jāyāḥ
prekṣya sva-pakṣa-padavīm anuruddhyamānām
sadyas tad-iṣṭa-ghaṭanena kṛtārthayantīṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi (7)
I offer praṇāma unto the supremely charming Śrī Lalitā-devī, the treasure-house of all good qualities. Upon seeing any young maiden anywhere in Vraja and discerning that she is inclined towards her priya-sakhī Śrīmatī Rādhikā, Lalitā immediately tells Rādhā that She must accept this person in Her own party (sva-pakṣa). Rādhā obeys Lalitā, who thus fulfills that maiden’s desires.
varyāṁ viniścitavatīm akhilotsavebhyaḥ
tāṁ gokula-priya-sakhī-nikuramba-mukhyāṁ
devīṁ guṇaiḥ sulalitāṁ lalitāṁ namāmi (8)
I offer praṇāma unto Śrī Lalitā-devī, the embodiment of all divine virtues and the foremost of all the favorite sakhīs of Gokula. Her primary task is providing pleasure for Śrī Rādhā-Govinda by arranging Their meetings—this delightful sevā surpasses the enjoyment of all the best festivals combined together.
nandan amūni lalitā-guṇa-lālitāni
padyāni yaḥ paṭhati nirmala-dṛṣṭir aṣṭau
prītyā vikarṣati janaṁ nija-vṛnda-madhye
taṁ kīrtidā-pati-kulojjvala-kalpa-vallī (9)
If a person with a cheerful and pure heart recites this aṣṭaka in praise of Lalitā-devī, he will be affectionately brought into Śrīmatī Rādhikā’s own group of sakhīs. Lalitā-devī is superbly ornamented with beauty, grace and charm, and, along with Śrīmatī Rādhikā, is the effulgent wish-fulfilling creeper (kalpa-vallī) of Vṛṣabhānu Mahārāja’s family that winds around the kalpa-vṛkṣa of Kṛṣṇa.
Friday, 21 August 2020
No katha today
No live katha today due to bed internet. And Gurudev has to continue his Radha Madnan-mohan Deity seva today. We will keep you informed tomorrow. Jay Nitai.
Monday, 17 August 2020
Friday, 14 August 2020
Happy Ekadshi
Radhe Radhe! Suprobhat from Nabadwip. Happy Ekadashi. Wish all my Indian friends Happy 74th Independence day. Hv a pleasant and blessed day.
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
Happy Janamashtmi
Jai Sri Radhe Govinda! Suprobhat from Sridham Nabadwip. Happy Sri Krishna Janmastami. Hv a joyful and blessed day.
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Sunday, 9 August 2020
Peace in our life
When we will take the shelter on the lotus feet of Sri Gurudev, he will pour in the mercy and then by his causeless mercy he will extinguish the forest fire, samsara fire. Then we can get peace in our life.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
What can we attain by mahamantra?
Devotee: What can we attain by mahamantra?
Prabhu: Two stages are there- 1. before initiation 2. after initiation. Before initiation, mahamantra will clean your heart, mind, intelligence, subconciousness. And after initiation, initiation mahamantra will help you to develop pure bhakti in your heart
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
What does it mean to leave karma, gyaan and yoga?
Devotee: What does it mean to leave karma, gyaan and yoga?
Prabhu: The way to achieve to Svayam Bhagavan… In vedas and other scriptures, millions of
paths are described. Among these best is 3 paths- gyaan, yoga, bhakti ; karma is like sideway. Only by these 3 you can be anyhow attached to Svayam Bhagwan. What karma means? It
means what you doing, your activities, physical activities, you are donating something, you are
doing some austerity. By karmas you can only attain Swarg Lok. You will get pious credit. For a
long time you will get heavenly pleasure, not eternally after your pious credit will be finished
you will have to come back here, maybe as human or animal. But if you want connect with
Svayam Bhagavan then by those 3 ways only you can connect. First gyaan, by gyaan you can see the light, body efflugence- Brahman. It is very difficult
because you have reject everything, refuse everything. In the path of gyaan you have to
worship who have no quality, no shape, no taste, who has nothing. For us it is very difficult to
imagine a person who have no shape, no form. If you want know something about someone, first you will ask how it looks, then his qualities. If there is no shape, no quality then it is
difficult to imagine something. Then yoga, by yoga you get to see Paramatma. He will call you but he never reply you. It is a
neutral state. Paramatma is only witnessing our activities. So how you will attach yourself with
him who will never reply you, never talk to you, who will not repay you love. Only by this bhakti path you can get anything, you can get connection, attachment, relation
with Svayam Bhagwan, not indirectly but directly. So that is why Sriman Mahprabhu adviced
us to follow this bhakti path. But if you follow this path then you have to leave all other path
otherwise your mind will be distracted. But Rupa Goswami said very thing in Bhaktirasamrita
Sindhu about uttama bhakti, he said that your bhakti should not be covered by gyaan or karma.
It must not be covered. But here he didn't say that you have leave gyaan and karma, that
means indirectly he said you can accept some part of gyaan and karma, but it should not cover
your bhakti path. So some parts of gyaan or yoga like meditation, pranayam you can accept in
your practice. But you have to be very careful it should not cover your bhakti. We do not have
to completely leave this path, we have to accept some part only to develop our bhakti. So that
is why we are following meditation, pranayam. These all are parts of karma and gyaan.
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
How to Follow Guru Purnima
Krishna Dasi asked, “How to follow Guru Purnima?” Everything depends on your respect (faith/trust). If there is respect (faith) and love for your guru then everything is beautiful otherwise if there is no respect (faith) or love, then whatever you do will be useless.
Do guru puja. Do abhiśek. Total abhiśek? No. Wash his feet with water, pure water, not holy water. Do not wash the feet of Sri Gurudev with Ganga water or Radha Kund water or any holy water but pure water. Mix some fragrance like gulab jal (rose water), kewara jal (pandan leaf water) with that water, then just dry the lotus feet of Sri Gurudev with a towel. Then, offer flowers, flower petals, not tulasi, not bilva patra (bael leaves). Offer flowers, then offer him a garland and make sure that the garland is a prasadi garland. You must first offer that garland to Sri Govinda, Sri Krishna, your Deity, only then to Sri Gurudev. Then offer arati, and finally offer naivedya (foodstuffs). This is enough, but everything you offer must be offered with love and great respect (faith).
Krishna Dasi also asks, “In some places it says not to reveal who your Gurudev is, but in Narottam Das Thakur’s prayer it is said that Sri Guru is worshipable in the three worlds. Should the disciple hide his Guru or glorify his Gurudev? Can you kindly clarify these two contradictory statements?”
A: “Yes, you must glorify your Gurudev, not hide him, not hide whom you got your initiation from, no. Guru is your garbha (spiritual birth), guru is your abhiman, your pride; so his glories must be shown to everyone in the three worlds, śastra says.”
Monday, 3 August 2020
What is Guru Purnima? What is the importance of Guru Purnima? Is it essential to follow (observe) this (festival) day?
Today we will listen to something about Sri Guru Tattva. What is Guru Purnima? What is the importance of Guru Purnima? Is it essential to follow (observe) this (festival) day?
Guru Purnima is not the birthday of Sri Gurudev but you can say it is the installation day of Guru Tattva. It is said that on this day, Svayam Bhagavan, gave mantra to Brahma and that was the first initiation. Bhagavan inaugurated Guru Tattva, guru varga (disciplic line, parampara) for the jivas of this world and from Brahma it is coming down. Initiation, receiving mantra and receiving the power of the mantra, originates from Bhagavan (and descends through Brahma to Narada to Vyasadev to later Vaisnava Acaryas and to the present day Guru through an unbroken succession of genuine Gurus in a genuine tradition). That is why it is absolutely essential to follow such a tradition. Otherwise, (the mantra will be devoid of potency). Mantras are written in the book. You can find all the mantras in different scriptures, but you must receive the power of the mantra from Sri Guru. And what is the importance of getting it from Sri Gurudev? Sri Gurudev will infuse us with that power, the power of the mantra. Because the mantra he gives is invested with that power (potency). Before the creation, after Brahma observed prarabhda kala (?), tapasya (severe austerities), Bhagavan gave him initiation and said, “Now, just do your sadhana and meditate on this mantra and by this mantra you will be able to manifest everything, the whole of material creation. The seed of creation is already there in the mantra. I have already put all the seeds in the mantra and you have to manifest the creation out of this seed mantra.”
So there is power in this mantra, the power of creativity. There is power to develop our eternal and very intimate connection, direct to the Supreme Godhead, Krishna. So the power comes from Bhagavan and is carried down through all the Gurus in the tradition. Sri Guru receives it from param-guru, who gets it from parameṣthi-guru, from paratparam-guru and so on (all the way up to Bhagavan). That is why it is absolutely essential to receive that mantra from within the tradition. Otherwise the mantra will be there but that power which comes down from Sri Krishna Bhagavan Himself will not be there (The mantra will be devoid of potency, like a blank bullet).
Sunday, 2 August 2020
Sri Baldev Dauji Appearance and Happy Rakshabandhan
Jai Nitai! Suprobhat from Nabadwip. Happy Sri Baladev dauji appearance purnima and Happy Raksha bandhan. Today is the ending day of Sri Jhulan Yatra. Hv a joyful and blessed day.
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Premgopal Goswami’s Nityananda Vamśa & Parivar Lines Śrī Krishna Caitanya is both Śrī Rādhā & Śrī Krishna in Krishna lila. (Śrī Rādh...
1. Whenever you touch your lips or inside your mouth, you should immediately wash your hands. 2. After taking food you have to carefully wa...
Svayam Bhagwan gave this mantra to Brahma and he said you just chant this mantra, this mantra has my power, my potency and after when you ge...