Sunday, 30 September 2018

Bhagwata Shiksha Parampara and Diksha Parampara.

Devotee: Could you please you please explain the understanding and difference between Bhagwata shiksha parampara and diksha parampara.

Prabhu: When you say parampara, that means it must be initiation parampara. For shiksha parampara is not required. But then also you have to accept shiksha from the same parampara. Otherwise what will happen, if you do not take shiksha from same parampara. Every traditional has something special, some difference . Dress will be same, target will be same but the way to achieve the target will be different. So if I follow some other parampara then other parampara will see my style and they will say that I'm doing wrong. I'm following my Gurudev parampara but when I ask something from someone from different parampara then he will say you are doing wrong do it this way. So what will happen? I will lose my path. That’s why in Prem Bhakti Candrika Narottam Das Thakur said

mahājanera jei patha tate habe aurata

pūrbāpara kariyā bicāra

You should be very careful when you following the path of previous acharya. He must be from your own parampara, you should not ask any question about bhajan from a person from different parampara. So for shiksha there is no parampara. As I explained Shiksha Guru is someone from whom you get some help for your bhajan. No parampara for shiksha Guru, only for diksha Guru. In scriptures also you will find diksha parampara only. If you see in Prameya Ratnawali by Vidyabhushan, in the beginning he explained about parampara. There he explained only about diksha parampara not shiksha parampara.

Saturday, 29 September 2018

Guru and disciple...

Devotee: In some organization, Guru is being placed in three categories like uttama, madhyam.....

Prabhu: These categories are for devotees not for Gurudev. Guru has no
category. Guru is Guru. Guru is not a person, he is the truth. Sometimes
you can see in gaudiya vaishnava jivan Guru is not siddha but his disciple is siddha.

Friday, 28 September 2018


A Guru who is envious of pure devotees, who blamphemes them or behaves maliciously towards them should certainly be abandoned , remembering the verse ' guror api avaliptasya'.  Such an envious guru lacks the mood and qualities of a Vaishnava Guru.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Question and answers

Devotee: What can we attain by mahamantra?

Prabhu: Two stages are there- 1. before initiation 2. after initiation.

Before initiation, mahamantra will clean your heart, mind, intelligence, subconciousness.
And after initiation, initiation mahamantra will help you to develop pure bhakti in your heart.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Guru Tattva 2

The first qualification- he must be Vipra meaning Brahman. Brahman means who is just born in Brahman family? Is he qualified to be a Guru? No. He has to follow the path of bhakti. First he has to follow all the rules as a Brahman according to scriptures. First he has to be born in a Brahmin family then he has to follow all the rules and regulations as a Brahman and then he has to follow the path of bhakti. He must have realisation of Krishna bhajan, he must be a very deep and very strong dedicated devotee of Krishna. Then we must accept him as a Guru. The first quality- he must be a Brahman. If such kind of qualified brahman is there then he is the best choice. But if I do not find such kind of Brahman, if there is no such kind of Brahman then one must go to Kshatriya with the same qualities. If there is no Kshatriya of such qualities then one must go to a Vaishaya and then to Shudra. But the first choice must be a Brahman Guru, who is following all the rules and regulation as a Brahman, who is following the path of bhakti, who is a strong dedicated devotee of krishna. He must be the first choice.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

I made my Heart Vrindavan..... quote 1

Sometimes you may actually travel to Vrindavan. Why are you going there? To get some realization, to get some knowledge, to get the association of sadhus. You are going to get some mercy from the Brijvasis ( local residents), from the dust of Vrindavan.  If you do not have the realization, how special the dust of Vrindavan is, then you will get no benefit from going there. If you have not got a favourable attitude, then there's no benefit in going to Vrindavan.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Power of Hare Krishna Mahamantra

Harinaam Mahamantra is more powerful than Krishna, you can take shelter on Harinaam. Yes ! He will destroy your offences. He will do everything for you that time.

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Krishna Prema .... 2

Q. What does it really mean, to take shelter?

Answer. Taking shelter means to offer everything to him. Now we are like soft mud, and Guru can mould us, and present us to Krishna after purification, because we are like clay, inside the clay are little stones , all need to be cleared out so we can be offered . Guru is doing that, that is the duty of Guru. Then he will present us to Krishna.

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Krishna prema .... quote 1

We are pure spirit souls. When we come into contact with the material world we get confused, the love gets mixed, but still the love is there. Love is always pure.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

General Rules for Sadacar

1. Whenever you touch your lips or inside your mouth, you should immediately wash your hands.

2. After taking food you have to carefully wash and rinse your mouth and hands. 

3. Women are not allowed to continue their bhajan and sadhana, to do Puja, serve the deities, cook nor do Anik, neither should they touch any item that is to be offered or used to do Puja from the first to the fourth day of their monthly period even if the blood flow stops before these four days, if it continues after these four days, they should wait until the flow stops. They can do their Harinam Japa during this period though. From the fifth day on or after the blood flow stops and after taking shower and washing their Japa Mala and bead bag they can resume everything. 

4. After touching the feet it is not allowed to touch your bead bag, chanting beads or anything sacred or to be offered. It is good to wash hands before touching any of these.

5. Devotees are not allowed to eat during their Harinam Japa. Before eating they should put their bead bag in a proper place. 

6. It is good to wash hands and feet and to dress your Puja clothes before doing something for your Deities. 

Keep your Sadacar to get taste from your Seva and Bhajan. 

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Glories of Nityananda 1

By Srila Prem Gopal Goswami Maharaj

nitai-pada-kamala, koti-chandra-sushitala

je chayay jagata juray

heno nitai bine bhai, radha-krishna paite nai

dridha kori dharo nitair pay

If we hold the lotus feet of Nityananda then all the fire in our life will be extinguished. Alwayswe are burning, always we are suffering by three taap- adi devik, adi bhautik, adi adhyatmik.

These are three taap in our life. So how Nitaichand is stopping these fire. Nityananda Prabhu is adiguru for all kali people.

Radha Dasyam

Our humble prayer is that it may invoke transcendental greed in the hearts of our readers to delve into the nectar ocean of Radha dasyam and cultivate the precious mood of Srimati Radhikas maidservants.