Sunday, 30 September 2018

Bhagwata Shiksha Parampara and Diksha Parampara.

Devotee: Could you please you please explain the understanding and difference between Bhagwata shiksha parampara and diksha parampara.

Prabhu: When you say parampara, that means it must be initiation parampara. For shiksha parampara is not required. But then also you have to accept shiksha from the same parampara. Otherwise what will happen, if you do not take shiksha from same parampara. Every traditional has something special, some difference . Dress will be same, target will be same but the way to achieve the target will be different. So if I follow some other parampara then other parampara will see my style and they will say that I'm doing wrong. I'm following my Gurudev parampara but when I ask something from someone from different parampara then he will say you are doing wrong do it this way. So what will happen? I will lose my path. That’s why in Prem Bhakti Candrika Narottam Das Thakur said

mahājanera jei patha tate habe aurata

pūrbāpara kariyā bicāra

You should be very careful when you following the path of previous acharya. He must be from your own parampara, you should not ask any question about bhajan from a person from different parampara. So for shiksha there is no parampara. As I explained Shiksha Guru is someone from whom you get some help for your bhajan. No parampara for shiksha Guru, only for diksha Guru. In scriptures also you will find diksha parampara only. If you see in Prameya Ratnawali by Vidyabhushan, in the beginning he explained about parampara. There he explained only about diksha parampara not shiksha parampara.

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