Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Sadachar... why and what ??

Why should we follow Sadacara?

What will happen If we follow this?

We are all the eternal servants of Sri Radha Govinda and Sri Nitai Goura. We have the duty to serve Them. It is our good fortune that THEY allow us, the fallen people of Kali Yuga, to do THEIR service, but how can we serve THEM, SAYAM BHAGAVAN with this contaminated body?

For this reason, we should learn to be pure and clean from the inside and the outside. If we see that the workers in our house are not clean, would we allow them to serve us? In the same way if Sri Radhe Govinda and Sri Goura Nitai look at us and see that we are not clean both from the inside and the outside, do you think THEY will allow us to serve Them?

Yes, THEY are very merciful to us, may be THEY will forgive us this fault, but as a servant, we have to be as pure and clean as possible, otherwise we will be known as irresponsible servants, who are not careful about their work and who don’t do it in a clean and proper way. We are so fortunate that we got the blessings to perform this Seva with this material body. Shri Radhe Govinda, Shri Nitay Goura, allow us to chant their name, to do puja, to offer naivedyas, to touch their eternal bodies, which are softer then butter, with this material body of us which is always full of feces, urine, cough, phlegm and so many diseases. We should not misuse these blessings and so we should not allow ourselves to do all these activities without proper cleanliness. They will not curse us if we don’t maintain this, because they are so merciful, but it is our duty to serve them in a pure and clean way, for this reason we have to maintain this Sadacara. When we are clean from the outside in a good and shastric way, then we will get our inside clean and pure as well. In the beginning it may be difficult for a neophyte, who is just starting to practice Sadacara, to fallow exactly point to point these rules; sometimes you will make some faults, but after continuing for a couple of weeks, it will become very easy and clear for you, it will become “natural”, and then you will feel more relaxed, comfortable and pure in your mind; you will feel more energy for doing your Seva for your Ista. This rules help to open the devotees’ heart to his Ista. Maybe there are some points that for a newcomer may be difficult to understand, why should I follow this? But you will never get an answer by speculating; if you
just follow exactly what the Shastra says, then you will realize in your heart the deep truth of this practice.

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