Thursday, 21 November 2019

why do we need blessings of Gurudev

vande gurum ishabhaktan isham ishavatarakan
tatprakashancha tat-saktee krishna chaitanya samijakan
The first phrase is “vande gurum..” I am praising my Guru, before
everything we need the blessings of Sri Gurudev. Why? This is the
important point. Why? Who is Guru? How much power Sri Guru possess?
What he can do for us? Why we have to take shelter on his lotus feet. So
we will start with sloka “ajnana-timirandhasya” . We will take shelter on
his lotus feet. We are here in this material world with so many
contamination; our eyes, our mind, our intelligence, everything is
covered by darkness of ignorance. In Sri Sri Caitanya Caritamrita a very
nice sloka is there that “everything is fake”. What is the darkness of ignorance? Why there is no light? When we are
so much absorbed with this material world, when our mind and heart
are not attached with Svayam Bhagavan Sri Krishna; that means we are
not in light we are in darkness. That means we have forgotten our real
identity, we have forgotten that we are tiny part of Him. We have
forgotten our duty which is to serve Him but we have forgotten
everything and we are enjoying. Enjoying here in this material world is
not bad but what Ishopanisad has said everything is for you, Svayam
Bhagavan Krishna he created everything for His creature, human being;
that’s why everything is so beautiful.

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