Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Glories of Nitai Chand

We are always burning in the samsar. So when we will take shelter on the lotus feet of Sri
Gurudev, Sri Nitaichand then He will stop this fire by His causeless mercy and He will protect
us from this material world. He will take our consciousness onto the point of purity. So
Nityananda is also doing the same thing. Whenever we will take shelter on His lotus feet then
all the confusion will go away from our heart. Then our life will be very peaceful, full of eternal
happiness. Generally we are always getting the blessing from Sri Nityananda because without
His blessing we cannot move here in this material world here. In this material world we are
getting this material happiness also, this realisation, feeling, everything is coming from Sri
Nityananda because He is the source of ananda, all ananda but when we will realise his
presence in our life then eternal happiness will appear. Then our life will be very peaceful, no
more problem, no more hurdles, no more anarthas will come in front of us. We know the rays of moon are very cool, its not very hot like sunrays; always we are getting
some cooling sensation. When we see the full moon suddenly in our heart peace will appear. So if only one moon can give you such cooling, then what to speak of the lotus feet of
Nitaichand. The lotus feet of Nitaichand is equal to hundreds of million of moon together. So
when we will touch the lotus feet by our heart, our mind, our thinking, our mood then that
coolness will appear in our life. And all the planetary system, whole of the world will get the
shadow of causeless mercy. We are not qualified we have so many contamination by our intelligence, by our mood, by our
nature, by our habit, by our body, everything is contaminated but by when Nitaichand will
bless us when our mind will be attracted by the qualities of Sri Nityananda, then eternal
happiness will appear by His causeless mercy. Then we will be protected. That means we are
under umbrella of Nitaichand

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