Saturday, 25 July 2020

Mantra has the potency

Svayam Bhagwan gave this mantra to Brahma and he said you just
chant this mantra, this mantra has my power, my potency and after when you get
the siddhi then you just start the creation, just expose all creation. So this power
comes from Swayam Brahma, then from Brahma to Devarishi Narad, then from
Devrishi Narad to Maharishi Ved Vyas, from Maharishi Ved Vyas to 4 Sampradaya- Brahma Sampradaya, Nimbark Sampradaya, Sanak Sampradaya and Sri
Sampradaya. So 4 Sampradaya got this. And then our Sampradaya came
Madhvacharya Sampradaya and then Gaudiya Sampradaya.

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