Wednesday, 17 June 2020


Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu is also idol
of prema. But Nitaichand is really very active for our life by his kripa. When both of them met each other in the house of Nandan acharya in Sri Dham Navadwip, when Mahaprabhu came to meet Nitaichand first time here and he took him to Srivas Angan. For some days in the beginning Nitaichand was watching what was going on there. And He
found that Sriman Mahaprabhu is doing kirtan, enjoying with devotees but there were only
close devotees. That time Mahaprabhu used to enjoy kirtan with only close devotees. Then
Nitaichand asked “O brother maybe You have forgotten why You are here, why You have
entered here in this material world. You promised something to all kali people, maybe You
have forgotten”. Then Mahaprabhu said “Yes, I promised I know everything I did’nt forget
anything”. “Then what are You doing? You appeared here to spread prema everywhere. You
promised everyone that they will get the highest prema by Your blessing but what You are
doing now? You are enjoying with close devotees only, so how all the kali people will get the
special mercy from You”. Then Sri Gaur said “O sripad; yes, I promised them that I will spread
prema everywhere, everyone will enjoy this Vraja prema but how I can do this because You
are the storehouse, You can spread it everywhere. The promise was Mine but You have to
fulfill it for everyone. So You have to start preaching about Krishna nama”. So it is very clear, Mahaprabhu said this to Nityananda- only you can give prema to general people, kali jiva; not
Me. “Yes, that is my prema, Krishna prema but only You can give that”. Then Nitaichand
promised to everyone. 

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