Sunday, 21 June 2020

Question and answer 1

Devotee: When the devotees want to serve the dieties, worship Dieties
but not want to accept a Guru, then what is their future? How will this
infleunce them in future?
Prabhu: There is no future. If Guru will not hold your hand then who will
help you to advance. When we are travelling at a new place, we don’t
know anything about that place so we have to accept one guide from
there. If you have no guide, maybe you can travel by yourself but you
will miss the important places to see. So Sri Gurudev will work as guide, he will work as your helper, he will support you by knowledge. So if you
are not accepting Sri Gurudev then maybe for a long time you can do
this... What happened with Dhruv Maharaja, he did very strong sadhana
and Svayam Bhagwan was very pleased by his austerities, he said this to
Devarishi Narad “O Devarishi, by seeing his tapasya, his sadhana I am
very happy, I want to bless him, I want to give him darshan”. Devarishi
Narad said “Ok, who can stop you. Bhagwan will go to his devotees who
can stop Bhagwan. You are the most powerful”. Then Bhagwan said “No, I cannot”. Devarishi Narad said “why not?”. “Till now he has not got
Guru blessing. First he will have accept Gurudev”. You just go to him and
give him intiation”. Then Devarishi Narad went to Dhruv maharaja and
gave him mantra. Dhruv Maharaja accepted him as Sri Gurudev. Then
when he started to chant these mantras, Svayam Bhagwan appeared in
front of him. Everything was prepared then also... Maybe you fix this
light bulb, prepare everything but if there is no power supply then it will
not blow up. Guru blessing is like power supply. Even if everything is
prepared but the power supply is not there then nothing will happen. This bulb will not blow up. So that is why we need Guru blessing in our
In Narad Pancaratra very nice thing is there, same question is there. It
was some question like maybe I chant the mantras from my heart, I can
get all these mantras from books; Gopal mantra and all other mantras; I
can find these in granthas. I can read mantras from there. Maybe
Gurudev will advice me to just chant certain rounds. So, I will not accept
Gurudev but everyday I will chant hundred thousand times. So what will
happen with him?
Very nice answer was given. The best activity for our life, most
important activity is diksha, initiation. Whenever we will get this desire 

“Oh, I have to take diksha. I will take the shelter on the lotus feet of Sri
Gurudev”. So whenever we take this sankalp, vow; then all the siddhis
will stand in front of us. After intiation you just follow the intructions, then all siddhis will come to you. But if you did not accept Guru blessing,
if you did not take the shelter on the lotus feet, then what will happen?
Not only hundred thousand but ten hundred thousand times you can
chant, you can chant in this way life after life but you will not get one
single drop of siddhi. All the activities will work only after Guru blessing.
If you will do 10% you will get result at that moment only, not only 10%
you will get extra 50% result. By doing 10% activity you will get 60%
result. And sometime maybe 100% only by doing only 10%. And without
Guru blessing, maybe you do 100% you will get not even 1% of result. Because that is not real bhakti, pure bhakti, real attachment. That mood
will not appear, that’s why we need Guru blessing.

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